Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Benefits of British Rule

Brett Fields World History II Section 003 Professor Haug India was a British colony in the 18th century between 1858 and 1947, the Indian solders assisted the British to conquer India, and they were however mistreated at the hands of their colonizers and denied higher positions which they were qualified for. This was a strategy used by the colonizers to ensure that they maintain control and power over the natives. Moreover Indians were traded as slaves to other British colonies where they provided free labor which enhanced the growth of the Britain economy.In the process of exploiting India, the British improved the transport system through construction of roads and railways to ease the transportation of manufactured goods such as textiles and machines. The improved transport system eased the movement of goods and people and improved. People were able to access the market easily and it led to the spread of trade. The judicial system was improved through establishment of law courts wh ere disputes and cases could be settled amicably.In order to incorporate democracy, schools and universities were established, since the native only spoke in their mother tongue, they had to be taught English for easier communication. Christianity was also introduced by the missionaries, who also did some translation of the bible to the native Arabic languages. British rule in India had both benefits and detriments to the citizens. To start with the benefits experienced included:The Indians had a practice of burying their widows alongside their husband’s corpse.They could be tied to a pile to prevent them from running away, a practice termed; â€Å"concremation†, the British outlawed the practice and introduced a rule where the Hindu widows could be remarried. Schools and universities were introduced; this assisted the natives to obtain an education which would play a role of helping them increase their knowledge and hence led to better equipped individuals who were to improve their countries economy.The improved civilization helped reduce oppression caused by the rulers. There was freedom of speech, association which ensured justice prevailed among the natives. Democracy was introduced such that Indians had an opportunity to select their leaders. There was increase in exports with the improved transport system, goods such as tea, indigo were transported to other countries which ensured that they earned foreign exchange and lead to improved economy.The Indians were issued with loans from England. This money was used in constructing railways to ease transport and in irrigation of the plants Despite all these benefits the native Indians also faced some detriments on the other hand, these included: Indians were denied political positions; the British believed the admission of natives to high offices must be effected slowly. This was to protect their interests and power over the Indians such that they could not be overthrown.As Macaulay puts it; â₠¬Å"Propter vitam vivendi perdere causas,†[â€Å"To lose the reason for living, for the sake of staying alive†]. Many are the times when the British breached the promises and pledges made to the native on their inclusion to the governance of the county. New modes of taxations were devised, but the natives never had the means to raise the money to be paid as tax. This was an exploitative move by the Britons; it increased the inequitable financial relation between England and India.The British established a textileindustry in Britain and would buy wool at a cheaper price from India manufacture clothes and sell them to the Indians at an expensive price. This exploitation lead many Indians being unemployed. On the contrary the Britain economy improved greatly, on account of the materials from India. The British’ main role in India was to bring civilization to the people. They did this by establishing schools and universities where the locals improved their knowledge.W ith education came the need to do away with some of the traditions which were detrimental to the society well-being. Widows were not required to marry again after the demise of their husbands There was creation of social amenities such as health centers and hospitals which in general helped reduced the number of deaths greatly as the people could seek medical attention from the hospitals as opposed to other traditional methods which were less effective.The transport system was also improved by construction of roads and railway lines. This eased the movement of people from one place to another as they took part in trade. Certain industries were set up, which provided employment opportunities and increased the amount of goods available to be transported as exports. The missionaries visited India during this colonial period and introduced Christianity to the Indians. Since they had to learn how to read the bible, they went to school and got he necessary skills which would later be requ ired as some of them became clergymen. They also used the knowledge acquire in bible translation to help spread the gospel to the natives were not conversant with the English language. The British aimed to reduce the dependency of the natives; this was a selfish move as they only targeted the improvement of their economy. Most Indians knew only their vernacular language; as such it was hard for them to be educated by use of their mother-tongue.They were taught a foreign language; English which eased the communication especially in the schools, since the tutors were of British origin. Some translations of the books were made to the Sanscrit and Arabic dialect which were the common native languages. Indian writers Dadabhai Naoroji and Raja Rammohan Roy have given an opinion as to how they viewed the British rule in the 18th century. Both of them agree that through the British rule, India has developed, despite the developments observed, they also enumerate some weaknesses accustoming the colonization period.Dadabhai Naoroji appreciates what the British did for his country as he clearly states in his summary: â€Å"the British rule has been: morally, a great blessing; politically, peace and order on one hand, blunders on the other; materially, impoverishment, relieved as far as the railway and other loans go. â€Å" He appreciates the effort done to improve an otherwise dwindling economy. As Naoroji summarized the benefits; â€Å"A slowly growing desire of late to treat India equitably, and as a country held in trust. Good intentions. No nation on the face of the earth has ever had the opportunity of achieving such a glorious work as this.I hope in the credit side of the account I have done no injustice, and if I have omitted any item which anyone may think of importance, I shall have the greatest pleasure in inserting it. I appreciate, and so do my countrymen, what England has done for India, and I know that it is only in British hands that her regeneration c an be accomplished†, it can clearly be alluded that he was in full support and appreciation of what the Britons did to improve his country India. Raja Rammohan Roy studies extensively the practice of burning widows alive.He gives a defense on why women should not be considered as the inferior gender if they are not given an equal opportunity as their male counterparts as he outlines; â€Å"If, after instruction in knowledge and wisdom, a person cannot comprehend or retain what has been taught him, we may consider him as deficient; but as you keep women generally void of education and acquirements, you cannot, therefore, in justice pronounce on their inferiority. † Many accusations are thrown at women which Roy considers as injustice as he enumerates in his article, these accusations do not have any basis whatsoever as he advocates for them to be disregarded.Roy in regard to marriage arrangement had this objective: â€Å"with respect to their subjection to the passions, this may be judged of by the custom of marriage as to the respective sexes; for one man may marry two or three, sometimes even ten wives and upwards; while a woman, who marries but one husband, desires at his death to follow him, forsaking all worldly enjoyments, or to remain leading the austere life of an ascetic. † In their defense, Roy saw it not fair for a man to have many wives and fail to provide for her and her children.In such situations the woman would rely on her brothers and father for the children upkeep. Where a husband takes two or three wives to live with him, they are subjected to mental miseries and constant quarrels. The benefits outweigh by far the detriments brought about by the British rule. It has improved the Indian economy greatly in all sectors that is; politically, socially, economically. The Indian authors seem to support this fact as they seek ways in which they can reduce the negative effects. References Bose, Sudhindra. Some aspects of British ru le in India,. Iowa City: The University, 1916.Embree, Ainslie Thomas. Charles Grant and British rule in India. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. Eraly, Abraham. India. New York, N. Y. : DK Pub. , 2008. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Bose, Sudhindra.Some aspects of British rule in India,. Iowa City: The University, 1916. [ 2 ]. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. Bose, Sudhindra. Some aspects of British rule in India,. Iowa City: The University, 1916. [ 3 ]. Martinea u, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. [ 4 ]. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch.. London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. [ 5 ]. Martineau, Harriet. British rule in India; a historical sketch..London: Smith, Elder and Co. ; [etc. ], 1857. [ 6 ]. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. [ 7 ]. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. [ 8 ]. Mahajan, Vidya Dhar, and Savitri Mahajan. British rule in India and after,. 6th ed. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1964. [ 9 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 10 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt.Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 11 ]. Eraly, Abraham. India. New York, N. Y. : DK Pub. , 2008. [ 12 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 13 ]. Embree, Ainslie Thomas. Charles Grant and British rule in India. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. [ 14 ]. Thompson, Edward John, and G. T. Garratt. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India,. London: Macmillan and Co. , 1934. [ 15 ]. Eraly, Abraham. India. New York, N. Y. : DK Pub. , 2008.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

Connor Doyle Summary of Body Ritual among the Nacirema 10/20/2012 Introduction to Sociology The Nacirema Horace Miner depicted this cultural group located in Northwest America â€Å"living in the territory between the Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles† (Miner 503). Closely imitating the United States of America. If you take a look at the Nacirema's name spelled backwards, its American. The concept behind this is that Miner wanted to describe American's rituals in a way that people would deem crazy.But in all actuality, it's what us humans do everyday and never think twice of it. For if we forgot to do one of these things, we would feel uncomfortable all day long. â€Å"According to Nacirema mythology, their nation was originated by a culture hero, Notgnihsaw,† Hines describes that, â€Å"he was known for two great feats of strength—the throwing of a piece of wampum across the river Pa-To-Mac and the chopp ing down of a cherry tree in which the Spitit of Truth resided† (Miner 503). This is referring to, what many religions call, God. It's a universal feeling that everyone wants to encounter, that their is a higher power somewhere.He then goes on to say the â€Å"Nacirema culture is charecterized by a highly developed market economy which has evolved in a rich natural habitat† (Miner 503). This is refering to our Free Market Economy. The way we evolved in a â€Å"rich natural habitat†, is that we've always been prosepering since our birth as a country. With the exceptions of some down falls, we have been the world's leading power. It states that the Nacirema focus a lot of activity on the human body and its appearance. He states that it is a dominate concern, making every other aspect in life second best.Though many cultures have similar rituals to this, regarding the body, these aspects on society are quite unique. They even believe that their own human body is ugl y making it a natural reaction to try and improve your situation. They also acknowledge the fact that the human body deterioates and attracts disease. Since man knows these facts, the only option left is to perform rituals regarding the improvement of your body. He says that in every Nacirema's house their is at lease one shrine devoted mainly to the self-improvement of the people. This is refering to what we commonly know as a bathroom.If you really come to think about it, the bathroom is almost souly used for self-improvement. Every action from shaving, to brushing your teeth is preconcieved and is subconcsiously telling you that you need these things everyday. He goes on to say that â€Å"the rituals associated with it are not family ceremonies but are private and secret. † Then he states that the only time you really talk about these rituals are to your children, and only telling them the basics while they are still growing up. Another big part of the Nacirema culture is the medicine man.He is the only one that knows what is in the secret potion. Every Nacirema believes that if they are to go without these magic potions, they would cease to live. It goes hand in hand with the culture of our society. If people don't have a cure for the smallest thing, they still feel vulnerable. We rely on so many perscriptions, medications, and cure-alls for a quick fix. Without these things, we as a society would feel completely weak. They say that the medicine man can only work if they recieve â€Å"substantial gifts† (Miner 504), which is the same for our doctors as well.Even when the Nacirema have been done with the charms, they still keep the expired remains in their drawer just for safety. In fear that without these charms, they would remain vulnerable. The medicine man is even able to make a women's breast larger or smaller, depending on the request. The holy man, refered to in the Nacirema culture, is what we commonly know as the Dentist. Miner says t hat in addition to brushing and maintaing their teeth, they visit a â€Å"holy-mouth-man once or twice a year. They refer to a Dentist tool's as â€Å"paraphernalia, consisting of a variety of augers, awls, probes, and prods† (Miner 504). To the untrained eye that's what it looks like. Not many other cultures around the world, that are not as prosperous, ever make visits to a Dentist. They go on to say that â€Å"these objects in the exorcism of the evils of the mouth involves almost unbelievable ritual torture of the client† (Miner 505). Their has always been a fear of pain when attending the Dentist. Young children dread going every year, but to their parents and their society it is standard to have a high maintance mouth.

Monday, July 29, 2019

American Cultures Impact On The Media Cultural Studies Essay

American Cultures Impact On The Media Cultural Studies Essay None cultures are the same every nation has their own distinct and values. The American and American cultures have very vast differentiation between them. While the culture of America is a mixture of different cultures, the Bangladeshi culture is unique and has its own values and customs. One of the major differences that can be seen between American and Bangladeshi culture is in family relations. While the Bangladeshi are very much family and religious oriented, the Americans are individual oriented. In Bangladeshi culture, the family values are given more prominence than the individual values. Bangladeshi respect family and religious values. On the other hand, in American culture the individual value gets prominence than the family values. Indians are more committed to their family where as the Americans are more committed to themselves only (Difference Between, 2010). The United States is a dynamic country, covering the breadth of a continent. Many cultural currents exist and coe xist within American life. The sections that follow do not attempt to cover every aspect of American culture, but instead zero in on some phenomena, like television, films and American music, that newcomers can study in order to learn more about American life. American values have developed over several centuries, affecting (and often being enriched by) successive waves of immigrants. The best way to look at it is to realize that while Americans are often open to new ways of thinking, they have a deep culture, and a deep sense of being American, one that is not always that easy to describe (Life in the USA,2010). Bangladesh has a rich, diverse culture. Its deeply rooted heritage is thoroughly reflected in its architecture, dance, literature, music, painting and clothing. The three primary religions of Bangladesh (Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam) have had a great influence on its culture and history. The people of Bangladesh have a rich fictional legacy, with the first available form of literature being over a thousand years old. Bengali literature developed considerably during the medieval period with the rise of popular poets such as Chandi Das, Daulat Kazi an Alaol (, 2010). Although, local music is still popular in Bangladeshi culture, the younger generation is influenced by the western songs. Youth of America is inspired by American artists, movies, and musical bands are becoming more popular in Bangladesh. Coca Cola and Michael Jackson are popular now in Bangladesh. Fast food, a product of American culture, is available but only in major cities and hotels. Most of the people prefer local foods and deserts. Literacy rate in Bangladesh is high compared with other developing countries. For males, it is 54% and literacy rates among Bangladeshi women are 41.4% (CIA the World Factbook, 2010). Main Body Impact of American Culture on Bangladeshi Culture, Media, and Language Culture: Culture can be described as the exclusive system of shared values, cus toms, beliefs, artifacts, and behaviors that the society members use to confront with their world and also with one another. Moreover, they are transmitted from one generation to another through learning. Culture also refers to the overall cumulative deposit of experience, beliefs, knowledge, values, meanings, attitudes, hierarchies, notions of time, religion, spatial relations, themes of the universe, and possessions acquired by a specific group of people during generations through group and individual striving (Bhabha, 2004). Significant differences are found between cultures of Bangladesh and America. Bangladeshi culture is a sophisticated blend of eastern culture and Islamic traditions. American culture, on the other hand, is a typical example of westernization with distinctive traditions, customs, attitudes and beliefs. It is pertinent to mention that culture is dynamic in nature. Cultures do change over time accepting new traditions while rejecting older ones (refà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦). Bangladeshi culture is increasingly becoming influenced by American culture even though the rate of transformation is considerably low compared with other neighboring countries like India and Pakistan.

Vodafones Sale Of Ownership Of Joint Venture To Verizon Essay

Vodafones Sale Of Ownership Of Joint Venture To Verizon - Essay Example is a United States (US) based company that is headquartered at New York and provides innovative technology and communication solutions, which enhances the way the customers play, work and live. On September 2013, Verizon Communications has agreed to pay Vodafone Group $130 billion in order to buy the US wireless business. This has been the third largest corporate deal in history. This paper focuses on the deal, highlighting on the history of the joint venture, rationale of the two companies behind the deal, reaction in the stock market, tax consequences and plans of Vodafone with this cash generation. Brief History of the Joint venture between Vodafone and Verizon In June 1994, the regional phone company of United States, Bell Atlantic, had formed a partnership in the wireless division with their immediate neighbour, NYNEX, covering almost 55 million customers who were regarded as potential for the organization (Thomson Reuters, 2013). This deal marked the beginning of the organization, Verizon Wireless. In 1996, NYNEX and Bell Atlantic agreed to enter into an outright merger. Then again in the year 1998, GTE and Bell Atlantic agreed to merge together. ... In June 2000, the merger of GTE and Bell Atlantic was closed and Verizon Communication was created. At this time, the wireless operation of GTE was included in Verizon Wireless. In this joint venture, Verizon Communications was the majority owner with a stake of about 55 percent (Thomson Reuters, 2013). In the year 2004, Vodafone lost the bidding for AT&T Wireless, which might have forced to sell the stake of Verizon Wireless. Arun Sarin, the CEO of Vodafone had said that Vodafone would discuss with Verizon regarding the future of their partnership. He insisted that both the companies would have bigger stake in the joint venture. In the year 2012, Verizon Wireless provided its parent with a dividend of $10 billion and $8.5 billion in December and January, respectively. At the beginning of 2013, Verizon was considering the purchase of their stake in Verizon Wireless (Thomson Reuters, 2013). In March, new sources claimed that Verizon was intending to resolve their relationship with Vod afone. In April 2013, Verizon expressed their desire to buy back the 45 percent of Vodafone’s stake in Verizon Wireless and put an end to all speculations regarding the merger of Vodafone and Verizon. On this context, Gerard Kleisterlee, the chairman of Vodafone, had stated that the company will consider the offer seriously, provided it offers more value to the investors. Rationale of Verizon behind Buying and Vodafone behind selling On September 2013, Verizon Communications Inc. had announced their agreement with Vodafone group Plc. for acquiring 45 percent stakes of Vodafone in Verizon Wireless for $ 130 billion, comprising of stock and cash. Verizon expect that after closing the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Video Conferencing For Thronton's Training Department Research Proposal

Video Conferencing For Thronton's Training Department - Research Proposal Example Overall, it is estimated over 11 million business meeting occurring on a daily basis (Verizon, 1999). However, similar study in 2003 indicated that the majority of face-to-face meeting participants believe that meetings are a waste of time (Verizon, 2003). This situation reveals two organizational problems. First, the amount of time that people spend in meetings makes it difficult for them to participate in most of them. Second, it can be difficult to remember what was said or accomplished in each one. These problems arise primarily from how participants attend meetings and how archives of meetings are created for later remembering and information retrieval. As participants are frequently traveling to attend face-to-face meetings, the cost-benefit ratio of attending meetings is also soaring. This in turn gives rise to a feeling of â€Å"wasted time.† Similar situation when too much time, efforts and finances are spent ineffectively occurs with corporate training of personnel at Thronton’s company. Practically, for Thronton’s company yearly cost of corporate personnel training exceeds a million dollars due to traveling and accommodation expenses for hundreds managers. Global trainers are brought to Thronton’s training center in Kentucky two times per year to ensure that qualifications of company’s employees are current and adequately correspond to Thronton’s business needs. The training and development at Thronton’s is conducted in the several areas that are critical for any type of business, particularly: In addressing the need to provide wider access to professional development and offer a more flexible form of training, Thronton’s company should develop a three-year training and development strategy addressed entirely through videoconferencing technology, particularly desktop video conference (DVC) as a main method on delivering

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global political economy Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Global political economy - Research Proposal Example Things were made worse by the bitter realities of the Post Cold War era which had a negative perspective to conflict resolutions and peacemaking. On another level this "Big Brother" impetus can be labelled as being mainly based upon the political agenda of "democratisation and globalisation" of the world through multilateral agenda. The thesis concludes that this impetus is not based mainly upon the "fear of another communist takeover" which is still a Western Nightmare but that there is a more profound political and economic agenda underlying the efforts of the UK and the US to re-establish themselves at the heart of multi-lateral action through international agencies. This dissertation will rely heavily on Documentation review and a critical analysis of the Post cold war propaganda through the electronic and print media. Peer reviewed journals and political views will be searched through the Athens Server, The EBSCO host and the Proquest Portal. However the necessity for interviews is still tentative based upon the suitable search for an intellectual who will add to my political research and insight. This dissertation explores the role of the state the modern state in the era of globalisation and the relevant developmental consequences of this within the global political economy. ... The main concept is to discusses the changing conceptions of the role of the state,a trend especially dominant in the nineties particularly in relation to the institutions like IMF and the World Bank (hereafter referred to as the Bretton Wood institutions or BWI's) Also discussed in the paper will be the role of Market-Friendly Policies (MFP's)in de-emphasizing the role the State in the interests of promoting long term and efficient economic development. MFP's typically relate to low rates of inflation ,prudent government spending, high rates of investment and a healthy trend of market liberalisation. The Post World War II approach of the BWI's was based upon a much smaller role for the state following the era of the large-scale globalisation (so characteristic of the post cold war years) This was largely a response to the state controlled economy' of the USSR which turned out to be an economic and political disaster. The post world war agenda of the US and UK based BWI's was to disc ourage world political economies from any interference in the Economic system, and this new policy was nicknamed as the "Washington Consensus," a term coined by John Williamson, who defined his own set of reforms he believed that the policymakers in Washington should propose for Latin America, which included trade liberalization and the privatization of inward foreign Direct Investment(FDI) .The "Washington consensus" was used to describe the commonly shared goals /themes within the policy packages endorsed by Washington-based institutions at the time, such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and U.S. Treasury Department. The Washington Consensus was later dubbed as the "neoliberal" agenda and received scathing criticism ,in that it that it

Friday, July 26, 2019

New Venture Strategy - Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

New Venture Strategy - Entrepreneurship - Essay Example The biggest consumers of electricity in Pakistan for non-public use are domestic or household consumers, as specified by the Government of Pakistan Finance Division, with the industrial consumers ranking in at number two (, 2011). 2- Marketing Plan Market segments: Individual Customers The targeted group of people for this product will be the upper and upper middle classes of Pakistan. Based on the information available by the Federal Bureau of Statistics Pakistan these people will make up the topmost percentile of the urban population. (, 2008) As a group, the customers of this Solar Energy project will: Own a house Have a monthly household income of more than Rs26,000, majority of which will be contributed by their salaries, residential property and non agriculture activities Will belong to major metropolitan cities of Pakistan Appreciate the necessity of having alternative sources of energy, especially for household use Upper Class: The upper class indi viduals of Pakistan have high incomes through business, land-ownership or profession; they have a very carefree lifestyle because they have the means and the money to live as they want. They live in highly modern, well-equipped houses. They are mostly self-employed or are top level management in big multinational companies. They also like to travel. Upper Middle Class: They have sufficient yearly income to sustain a decent standard of living. Well educated and hard working people, they live in self-owned houses and have good jobs at respectable places. Housing Projects Market Another target segment for the company is that group of builders, contractors and architects who are involved in the house building market. They are actively involved in creating houses and then selling them. They will be very interested in a company that can offer them to create solar power services for the entire house. Competition Energy is provided to the Pakistani consumer by the government through its ent ity called WAPDA (except in Karachi). However, increasing demand and limited supply – which shall be discussed in detail later – has rendered the government incapable to servicing all customers. There have been private companies which have identified this huge market opportunity and offer various solutions. In the solar energy field, there are many small companies that are importers of the solar equipment and offer various solutions to their clients. Some of the few key players in the industry are: 1. Trillium Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd: Located in Lahore, this company offers various solar energy products including Solar Modules of various capacities, rectifiers, charge Controllers, solar pumps and inverters (, 2011) 2. Siemens Pakistan: They offer solar energy solutions, according to their website , in telecom solutions such as optical fibre and exchanges, water pumping, household use, lighting and highway communication. Most of their work seems for profe ssional and industrial use. (, 2011) The alternative energy sector in Pakistan is very new and is undergoing constant change through new entrants and failing companies. While there are some companies in Pakistan which offer alternative solutions for energizing household products such as solar system for grill and solar system for water

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Social Questions and Multicultural Education Research Paper

Social Questions and Multicultural Education - Research Paper Example Also in regards to the sociological question, a class is defined as an organization of a given social grouping; which are characterized by similar rights, perceptions if not qualities, and duties. These are most often founded innately on one side and through socialization on the other side. As an end, a class is deemed with the task of founding a culture since there it forebears a routine within the organization in question. It is, therefore, no surprise that the local societies, as well as the world over, are usually classified. This alone describes the functionality definition of â€Å"class.† (Askew & Carnell, 1988). This refers to an identification paradigm based on sexuality, partly describing the gender but broadly established on roles. It uses both the psycho-social identities to the physical parametric observations and ends with individualized perceptions of themselves. In the long run sexual identity focuses on the various customs within an individual about their sexu al life. This is different from other the observation in other animal kingdoms which is specific to the task of reproduction. Sexuality, viewed in this regard in the human kingdom would just be but the tip of an iceberg. Why is this so? This is because human beings have in the recent past lived in such an advanced era that they have changed the original mode of reproduction. In the modern times, reproduction can be fully made a success even in a modern laboratory (Department for Education and Skills, 2007).... From the foregoing and relevant to the subject area, ability generally connotes the cognitive ability. For this reason, a concrete definition of this term must be tied to the intuitive values stemming from the capabilities definition of ability. In a nutshell, ability is thus the mental capacities within an individual to perceive and reason out. From its innate nature, it is tied to the fact that nature depicts a system of variety which displays the fact that various entities exist in different dimensions. This is because a student, for example, who doesn’t get well acquainted with simple skills, taught; which are in contrast viewed by another as â€Å"chicken feed† displays such a reality (Weare, 2004). Disability In contrast to ability, disability denotes cognitive incompetence an individual suffers in their endeavors to add up to new skills, attitudes, knowledge and dispositions. The person in question is a victim of natural co-existences. This makes them have gradua l control over their entire experiences and ultimately may have a grasp of their aspired courses. What this means is that the person in question doesn’t suffer a permanent condition, though long lasting in nature; this is however remedied through the incorporation of frequent practices on specified tasks. For a long time however, such an identity has been faced with innumerous challenges due to the massively widespread alienation. This has been from parallel classes as well as some expertise personnel who have most often acted unprofessionally to help avert the same consequences often pre empted. This is referred to as stereotyping whence the expert, for instance, the teacher in a class room situation, classifies

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Joyce Carol Oates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Joyce Carol Oates - Essay Example The paper tells that born in 1938, Joyce’s writing was evident even at the age of 15 when her first novel was rejected due to its ‘dark’ way of characterizing things. Joyce’s style appeared to be extraordinarily unfamiliar, and her gates of writing opened further after completing a master’s program at Wisconsin University.   Her work showed a lot of creativity, and this showed the perfect relationship between humans, and also showing better approach to humankind in terms of rape, murder and mysterious existence. It is witnessed in Tucson case that the story is showing us the very unfamiliar life of a girl, which surrounds a life hidden under the pillow. These provide the evidence that psychologically brings about killer sin the hands of her life, and it also proofs evidence of desires, love, and existence. The changing life is full of dreams and youngster existence which is thought to be comprised of sexual desires and whose Joyce Oates analysis pr ovides full idea about the killer scene. This fully reflects uncertainties in her life, and her story shows ironies that are nonetheless full of her personal inertia in both the real world and the original standing of her life. Oates capture in the street life is surrounded by narcissism, viciousness, and cheapness which are a non-existent belief in the life of excitement, unknown destination and above all, wilting fortunes that desperately involves astonishing actions and events.   Her future in the episode appears to go unnoticed, and†allocate the fatal attraction of death (or the devil) for a young woman who is seduced by her own vanity† has created shortfall in desires for sex, devil and symbolical mysteries. The craziness of life and the characteristic life embraces the staggering sense of sensation. From the â€Å"Shaggy black hair that like crazy as a wig...† changing problems of her life, she allocated herself a winding reality of hate, disuse of life an d characteristic disconnection with reality. While in Tucson’s understanding, Oates appear disconnected and the real images created appeared to be awkward and unrealistic. The Creation of a retelling Joyce life define the seemingly changing classic archetypes that are different from the existing phenomena and the different manner in which her thoughts are being retold again and again provides a repeated emphasis on humanity and the myriads of vices planted in the way. And this pessimism explores gruel mechanisms that that society is based. Ultimately, Propp, (1968) provides Joyce position amorality, imaginative war and serial killer dynamics. These dictated the retell and this also became the existing imagination that appeared to be incomprehensible and unpredictable. The elusive point of death and eroticism also provide obsessive characterization which reexamines Oates invasive victimization. This touches the shady romance and the tales, â€Å"Hawthornean, romantic, shading into parable†. The tale paradoxes the unromantic reality that explores the interventions and aggressive change in life defines powerful forces that are realistically comprised of people and a changing fortune which is historically examined by nature. The story is repeated in absolute show of the objective nature of passion, change and contemporary change. Johnson, (1994) in Joyce Oates characterizes the thoughtfulness of killers as a fairy tale and this also establishes the actual reality of individualistic measure that both extorts and makes blunders relative to the positive levels of life. For example, the character formation provided a relevant environment which maximizes a unit of people’s believes in protectionism and extreme life change. Equally, her views express expressions that equally exploit the humane nature of dangerous situations such as murder, drunkenness and extortion. How much of the story is ‘theirs’ – Where are you going This masterpiece of Joyce Carol Oates provides a special recognition of immediate reproach that mentions the past actions and hence develop a perhaps a renewed future. The

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Do all arguments about abortion come down to the question of what is Essay

Do all arguments about abortion come down to the question of what is the moral status of the fetus Explain - Essay Example Debate on abortion has two premises: pro-life and pro-choice. The pro-life argue in favor of the right of the fetus. The pro-choice school of thought is proponent for the mother has a right of choice on whatever she has to do with her body. They argue that the mother can decide to either terminate or keep her pregnancy. They recognize the fact that any being able to be pregnant can make autonomous choices and decisions regarding what they want to do with their body. Pro-life augments based on human reason: The reason why the bible does not speak directly about Abortion is because it was an unthinkable malady in the Israelite culture. Secondly, the bible views children as a gift from God and as such, life begins during conception and should thus be protected including the fetus. Secondly, Christians believe that God is in control of the womb and finally bareness is a bad omen. Apart from the biblical point of view on abortion, there are other arguments that are provided for non-believers. They include researched pro-life arguments whereby studies have been undertaken in medicine. In medicine arguments against abortion arise from the fact that after conception has taken place, this embryo is different genetically from its mother. A growing fetus has a DNA that is different from the mother. An embryo that is developing is scientifically dissimilar from the ova and sperms that created it. There are 46 or 47 chromosomes in a human being whereby a sperm egg is believed to have 23 chromosomes. Since geneticist can easily differentiate embryo’s DNA and that of sperms and ovum. However, there is no clearly distinct difference between the DNA of the fetus and the afterwards fully grown human being. In addition, the idea of defining death and life leads to a medical argument. It is known that death refers to the cessation of the heartbeat of an individual. In the embryo, the heart is formed on the 18th

Eid Celebration and Poors Essay Example for Free

Eid Celebration and Poors Essay Abstract Acknowledgement We are highly grateful to almighty Allah who gave us the power to complete this report and we would also like to a very special thanks to our honorable teacher to Mr. Tahir Iqbal DIHE ,   for providing us a golden opportunity to do this research whose help , stimulating suggestions, knowledge, experience and encouragement helped us in all the times of study and analysis of the project. without whom this report was almost mpossible. It was a really good learning experience working under him. We would also thanks to all of those who supported us in any respect during the completion of the project. There are many traditional celebrations throughout the world. There is Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter. Not everyone or every culture, so to speak observes these celebrations. It depends on your background, culture, and beliefs. Every year within our culture and religion we celebrate (Eid) al Fitr. Eid is the Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, the month in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad it is the month of fasting Eid is an Arabic word meaning festivity, while Fi? means conclusion of the fast; and so the holiday celebrates the conclusion of the thirty days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The first day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month Shawwal. Eid is almost like Christmas, with family gathering, festive attires, giving of gifts, and food, this holiday is very memorable. In Pakistan, as the holy month of Ramadan comes to an end, charities and markets find the mselves overcome by a burst of activity. We call ourselves Muslims, yet we don’t want to lose out on this wonderful opportunity to rip people off in the holy month of Ramazan. We create an artificial price hike, raise the prices to double and triple to earn a windfall profit†¦ because who knows when the chance to ‘hit the hardest where it hurts the most’ will come again. The entire nation adorns a garb of piety from the evening of the first day of Ramazan till Chand Raat. Western society has a lot to learn from us Muslims; they don’t quite understand the essence of unity, do they? Like naive creatures they actually lower their prices around Christmas time and go on a complete slash of prices right after Christmas. These people actually want consumers to afford the luxuries of life and celebrate with their loved ones. It seems like they haven’t learnt their lessons of a capitalist society well enough. No wonder people in that part of the world live longer and are hideously obese! On Eid day and the holidays that followed, we saw numerous pictures on television channels of  people celebrating the occasion in parks, on the beach and at family gatherings but this is just one face of Eid. For many others — perhaps, tens of thousands of people — Eid remained a far less festive occasion. The parents who could not buy clothes or new shoes for their children ; nor did those unable to put together a decent meal even on this occasion. During the religious festival, the household spending touches its peak Our survey revealed that in Karachi even low income group spend nothing less than Rs1000 per person in the family. This is inclusive of all expenditures that include spending on dresses, footwear, accessories, edibles, household durables and transport. The informal survey indicated the varying composition of spending in the family budget of different social classes. The proportion of spending on poor increases as income climbs. While in families of modest means, the Eid budget is consumed by basic needs, food, clothing, etc . Problem Statement The commencement of the month of ramadan is going to bring in not only the frenzy of the upcoming Eid festival but also something else which is increased tension and worry that is caused by the uncontrolled price hike of the daily essentials. Each year before the month of ramadan, the prices of the daily essentials increase twise or even thrice as much. Its difficult for lower income families to manage their budget in Ramadan and Eid due to increases of prices. The poor have got poorer and those who thought that they were well off a few years ago are busy reassessing their value – something to do with fitting into the elite. , a person (unskilled worker or the people at the lowest rung such as guards, sweepers or seasonal workers) making Rs5,000 (about $75) per month living off a make- shift hutment in a shanty township (kutchi abbadi) supporting a family cannot spend his full salary on Eid shopping. The market sources confirmed that inflation has jacked up the prices but the rise in prices of fabric, footwear and ordinary accessories is much less in percentage as compared to hike in the prices of edibles. â€Å"The food inflation is backbreaking high at 25-35 per cent. For a variety of reasons, the rates of ordinary local fabric and garments have risen marginally by 5-10 per cent†, a market analyst observed. According to a Gilani Research Foundation Survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan, 88% of Pakistanis said their preparations for Eid suffered due to inflationary pressures. Eid is our religious festival and give the massage of sacrificing and share the joys but now days it becomes celebrate as cultural festival and we forgot this massage | | | | |Variable to be Studied | | |Independent variable: | |†¢ Price hike | | | |Dependent variable: | | | |†¢ Family of Middle class | |†¢ Family of working class | |†¢ Family of lower class | Research Hypothesis H1:- Does the price hike affect the budget of lower income families H2:- Does the price hike affect the purchasing power of lower income families H3:- Does the price hike affect the Ramadan spending of lower income families H4:- Does the price hike affect the Eid celebrations of lower income families. H5:- Does inflation affect the Eid shopping very highly Research Objective The main objective of this research is Find out and analyze the problems which are faced by lower income families due to high inflation that how they manage their budgets specialy in Ramadan and how the celebrate their Eid with low income. Sources of Information Primary Sources:- Questionnaires Interviews Secondary Sources:- New Articals Online Articals Websites Method Of Data Collection A self administered questionnaire interview was conducted to collect the data from the target population on basis of non probability based sampling techniques. The people belonging to above mentioned three classes will be approached for this purpose. Questionnaires were developed for the interview which were distributed in different social Classes. To obtain the relevant information, population interviewed consisted of house wives and people from all walks of life. The questionnaire was designed to measure the impact of price hike on low income families. Likert scale was used for dependent variable different social classes independent variables price hike ranging from 1 to 5 where 1 is coded as â€Å"strongly agree† to 5 is coded as â€Å"strongly disagree†. Sampling Techniques Convenient Sampling:- Non Probability based Convenient sampling technique has been used for this purpose of data collection. Sample was taken from the Karachi city, through structured questionnaire , Instruments of Data Collection:- Close ended Questionnaire with likert scale has been used for data collection Sample Size: A total of 300 questionnaires were administered to potential respondents chosen from various areas of Karachi. A total of 250 usable questionnaires were returned, giving a response rate of 87%. Data Analyses ; Findings Discussion ; Conclusion Recommandation List Of References Apendix

Monday, July 22, 2019

Paternal relationship Essay Example for Free

Paternal relationship Essay Out of all the new relationships that he starts, his paternal relationship with Eppie, after he takes her in, is by far the strongest and has the largest impact on his personality and attitude to life and God. It is not surprising that Silas defends his right to provide for Eppie when Godfrey claims that is would be better for her if him and Nancy took care of her. This question of who she belongs to is very important in the novel as it determines the future of not only Eppie but Godfrey and Nancy, and Silas (who all claim her), and indirectly affects others such as Squire Cass who might, for example, suspect Godfreys old secret marriage through his taking in Eppie. In chapter 19 of the book this issue comes to a conclusion when Godfrey and Silas debate on who has the right to look after Eppie and who would make her life happier. On reading this Elliot makes it clear that belonging to a family consists of far more than of being the same flesh and blood; it is being part of the same habits, lifestyle, religious practice and social class as well as having love for and from them and history with them. Eppies decision also plays a large part in this as what one does belong to is largely decided by what one wants to belong to and fortunately for Silas, she takes Elliots viewpoint on the situation. The debate between Godfrey and Silas is easily won by the latter as Silas argues that the attachment created by the bonds made through years of nurture and familiarity give a much stronger claim on Eppie than sharing the same blood and certain features. Elliot is also against Godfreys argument saying that the situation is his fault and speaks against him in the narrative voice:This frustration of a purpose towards which he had set out under the exalted consciousness that he was about to compensate in some degree for the greatest demerit of his life, made him feel the air of the room stifling. (page 150). In this chapter, at least, it is clear that the theme of belonging to a family is dominant and essential to the storyline not only because it is covered so broadly but also because the strength of Eppies belonging to Silas stops what would have been a radical change in the course of events. By attempting to take responsibility of Eppie, Godfrey is risking losing his place in the Cass family through exposing himself as the biological father and getting disowned as a result. There can be parallels drawn between him wanting to belong as family to Squire Cass and wanting to belong as family to Eppie but a major difference: with Eppie, Godfrey genuinely wishes to be part of her life and care for her but, with Squire Cass, he simply is anxious to stay part of the inheritance. This goes to show that although in many instances belonging can constitute deep bonds, moods and lifestyles, sometimes it can simply mean a little extra cash or other material things which can and often does affect weak characters in the book. The most simplistic and, by the friendless and Eppieless Silas in particular, overrated form of belonging is of material possessions. To the contrary of the majority of other types of belonging in the book, it is obvious, mostly by outcomes of material obsessions, that this type of belonging does not matter. This is almost undeniable as in every case where someone gains riches or maintains them it does not directly ameliorate any aspect of their situation and in many scenarios it even makes things worse for them. For example, Silass obsession with collecting gold turns out to be ultimately meaningless as he has no necessity or inclination to spend it and it gives him no true sense of fulfilment or happiness. Another proof of this is Eppies indifference to Godfreys property and fortune in terms of who she 3 chooses to look after her. In all the examples I have covered, with the significant exception of the belonging of material possessions, it seems that belonging has a great bearing on the outcome of many situations, which is often made clear through changes of belonging and their effects such as Silass depression and rejection of religion after he is refused the right to belong to Lantern Yard any longer. One can also make hypothetical situations based on the book where things dont belong to what they should do and in most cases the outcomes will be drastically changed. For example, had Eppie chosen to live with Godfrey and Nancy, Godfrey would be punished for his secret marriage to Molly, Silas would have been devastated and Eppies character and habits would change. Because almost every aspect of belonging affects the novel and in some cases in great magnitude, I come to a sure conclusion that the theme in general is of very high importance although not quite absolutely essential.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nevado Del Ruiz Volcano Eruption

Nevado Del Ruiz Volcano Eruption Mustafa Ameen Nevado Del Ruiz volcano Introduction: The volcano is a phenomena that occurs at several kilometers depth of the huge plates that form the Earths surface, causing a hole in the crust through which the expulsion of molten lava and ash, and gases. Volcanic activity usually produces a cone-shaped Obinna picturesque periodically erupts in a violent way, and some can be very explosive eruptions, such as the volcano Nevado del Ruiz. Nevado del Ruiz volcano has erupted 23 times during the past two million years. Geologic Location: Nevado Del Ruiz is located on the border between the provinces of Caldas and Tolima in Colombia, part of the Andes mountain range, overshadowed the town of Armero, part of Los Nevados National Park natural, 129 km west of the capital Bogota. Its Longitude is 4.9Â °N / -75.32Â °W. Nevado del Ruiz falsehoods within the Ring of Fire, in the region of active volcanoes that encircle the Pacific Ocean, as shown in Figure (2). It is the third in the far north region of Andean volcanic belt which contains 75 of the 204 Holocene age volcanoes in southern America. It is worth mentioning that the production of this volcanic belt is under the continental plate of South America by eastward subduction of the Nazca oceanic plate as shown in figure (1). Figure (1) how tectonic plate movement and subduction has created this volcano Figure (2) Nevado del Ruiz volcano location on the map Type of Volcano: Nevado Del Ruiz is a composite volcano, that also known as a stratovolcano or a composite cones, this volcano have gentle lower slopes, but get very sheer near the summit, which give this volcano the cone like shape. So that Composite cones are created by a mixture of explosive activity and lava flows. Nevado Del Ruiz has an overall andesitic and dacitic structure that made of layers (strata) of hardened lava, volcanic ash and tephra. Nevado Del Ruiz also has a layered appearance with alternating pyroclastic, lava, mad and debris flows, and also this volcano is created by an oceanic to continental convergent boundary. The structure layer of this volcano is given in Figure (3). Figure (3) The structure layers of Nevado del Ruiz Eruption Style: Nevado del Ruiz is a stratovolcano forms at convergent plate margins, and its steep slopes of the summit and a small hole is amazing. Is an explosive, and usually generates Plinian explosion and has been active for the two million years ago. It is well known as composite cones for the emergence of a cone shape and several layers of lava alternating with stiffness volcanic ash and other lava rocks. Stratovolcanoes form in convergent plate margins, and its steep slopes of the summit and classifications are surprisingly small. The eastward subduction of the oceanic Nazaca plate beneath the South America continental plat is produced the Andean volcanic belt. It results in the production of dacitic lava, as well as volcanic andesitic rocks. These lava flows and lava cancel everything in its path, and travel for miles. Output is a lot of debris and ash from the volcano also erupts when. Landslides are one of the most lethal consequences of this during the eruption. As hot lava flowing on the undersides of the volcanic crater it causes a quick melting of snow and ice, which generates a very large floods that sweeping nearby valleys. As a result of mixing these floods with waste and debris floods and soil, increasing the density and volume to form very hot lahars with a thickness of approximately 50 meters and is moving at 50 km per hour. When sweep populated areas lead to the downfall of thousands of deaths in addition to the mass destruction of these areas. Figure (1) A photo of the volcano Nevado del Ruiz Eruption history: The first eruption of Nevado Del Ruiz was in 6660 BC and most recently in 1985 in the Arenas Crater. The first explosion historically documented in 1570 while its biggest eruption occurred in 1595. In 1845, the volcano erupted as a result of a large earthquake and caused a considerable mudflow which ran down the valley of the nearby river (Lagunillas River) for approximately 70 km. Its spilled out in the river channel and killing much of the local people again. The most famous and most recent eruption occurred in 1985 which regarded as the worst volcanic disaster in the 21st century in South America, where they have caused the following casualties: Approximately 23,000 people were killed in Armero From the population of 28,700 Around 5,000 people were injured. About 5,000 homes were destroyed. The whole town was swamped with mud up to 40 meters thic. The mad was traveling at speeds of 50km/h in which it swept the town away. This eruption was the fourth largest single-eruption in death toll whole the history. The volcano activity is very limited since 1985 deadly explosion. The latest eruption occurred at 22 Feb 2012 and stopped at 10 April 2013 without any casualties. Table (1) gives summary of the eruption dates of this volcano. Table (1) Summary of eruption dates of Nevado del Ruiz [6]. Was it inevitable that so many people died/were injured? Could more have been done to save the people/ property? The eruption signs can be predicted for some time before the outbreak of the volcano. Weeks later scientists were monitored the volcano using seismographs. Several maps were provided over a month before the eruption to illustrate the danger zones of the volcano, which showed that Armero area is clearly at high risk. But unfortunately, some unusual facts recognized, which are: 1 – People werent taken these maps very seriously and werent circulated thoroughly accurately. 2 Many of the people in the city are unaware of these maps. 3 Many citizens in Armero were unable to read. Committed many quiet starts when a major eruption, because of reassuring messages that were sent by each of: 1 The mayor on the radio. 2 The local priest of the Church by addressing the audience. However, it is the Red Cross to evacuate the city. But after a brief period of time evacuation, ash stopped falling. Storm occurred and blocked the top of the volcano that made citizens unaware of what happens from the outbreak of lava. Authorities have warned that the eruption will be moderate with great danger for Armero with a very high probability of the mudflows. Unfortunately, government officials have refused this report and have declared their unwillingness to evacuate the population while making sure of its necessity. If government officials have taken the report warning seriously for the town could have been evacuated, then far fewer people would have been injured. How we can prevent such damage and death if this volcano erupts again? There are a lot of methods to protect towns and cities from lahars. In which these include: tunnels, alternate channels, and concrete structures. In which some have been succeed and others have not. The experiment provided that the best preventative measure is to build and establish a highly sensitive warning system. These warning systems include seismometers, which pick up the signal from the lahar as it moves to the bottom of the valley and rain gauges that accumulate water and warning when the formation of avalanches is possible. As it has been shown through the Nevado del Ruiz volcano warning systems are not sufficient. Also lines of communication and evacuation plans must also be established because the damage may not be avoidable but earlier warning thanks to better communications would empower people to be evacuated to higher ground. Conclusion Nevado del Ruiz is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. It is affected by several factors, namely, the composition of the magma core, the temperature, and the amount of dissolved gases it contains. It is believed that the atmosphere and the ocean evolved gases emitted by volcanic eruptions. Its eruptive period was begun 150 thousand years ago. These facts are enough reasons for igneous activity to warrant our attention. The government must take some procedure to protect its citizen for the next volcano eruption. References: 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Racism in Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwynne Essay example -- essays resear

Deadly Unna "Deadly Unna" is the story of Garry Blacks realization of racism and discrimination in the port where he lives. When everyone else seems do nothing to prevent the discrimination Blacky a young boy steps up to the plate and has the guts to say no against racism towards the local Aborigines. Blacky is beginning to realize that the people he looks up to as role models might not be such good examples as most of them including his father his footy coach and even the pub custodian all accept racism as a normal way of life and Blacky begins to realize this and tries to make them aware. At the beginning Blacky becomes aware of the apartheid of white and black first in the players at the local footy team, the white players (Goonyas) all got changed at one end of the club change rooms while the Aboriginal (Nunga) players got changed at the opposite end ?Usually the nungas got changed at one end us goonyas got changed at the other? pg. 21. This is when Blacky begins to realize that even though he sees everyone as equal the rest of the town does not necessarily feel the same. Even Blackys friend Pickles encourages in a way Blacky not to be Dumbys friend, Blacky goes along with it but eventually admits to his friendship with Dumby red, ? Mate of yours now is he? (Pickles) No way not him I hate his guts (Blacky)?pg. 25 after he said this he spat on the ground to prove to Pickles that he meant it Blacky had not realized that his friend were so racist and had previously gone along with any racist slurs they made. His suspicions were confirmed when, at the grand final prese ntation Mark ?Arks? won the Mcrae medal instead of Dumby red. Dumby had been the heart and soul of the team all season and deserved to win h... ...rn because he specifically told Blacky that he was to go fishing with him and nowhere else. Despite his strong feelings for Cathy Blacky even misses out on going to Kathy barbie on her last day in the port this is (to the best of blackys knowledge) the last chance he will have to tell her how he feels about her, despite this he gets up at dawn and walks for three hours to reach the mission. In conclusion Black?s quest to make people aware of racism in the port got him into a lot of strife but he did manage to show people that he did not in any way condone this kind of discrimination and took a stand against the way the entire town thought forcing them to think about their actions. in the end the people that Garry most affected were his brothers and sisters , he may not have changed the whole towns attitude but he taught his siblings a priceless life lesson.

A Comparative Analysis of The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness Essay

The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness, two of Joseph Conrad’s more well-known novellas, share striking similarities in theme, plot, character development, and symbolism. Each novella presents a seafaring first-person narrator who struggles psychologically with the concept of darkness and other deep themes. â€Å"Heart of Darkness is one of literature’s most somber fictions. It explores the fundamental questions about human nature: the capacity for evil, the necessity of restraint, the effects of isolation, and the necessity of relinquishing pride to achieve spiritual salvation† (Haskin). Conrad explores his major theme of human duality in both of his works. Character doubling is a key element to both works, and this tool allows Conrad to explore good and evil. The Secret Sharer’s Captain refers to Leggatt as his double frequently, and Leggatt â€Å"must have looked exactly as I [the Captain] used to look† (Conrad, The Secret Sharer 13). The Captain becomes obsessed with his doppelgà ¤nger, who he pulls up on deck in the Gulf of Siam, despite the fact that Leggatt explains that he has murdered a man on the Sephora, his previous ship. Doubling, in the physical and moral sense, is found throughout â€Å"The Secret Sharer.† The young captain and Leggatt are so similar that they seem to be twins, an identification that Conrad clearly intends the reader to take in more than one sense. Both men feel themselves to be outcasts — Leggatt actually so, because of his crime, the captain, psychologically, because of his newness to the ship and its crew. Leggatt can be regarded as the alter ego of the captain, perhaps a reflection of the darker, even criminal, aspects of the captain’s personality. Some readers have argued that Leggatt does n... ... any case, both novellas, whose titles have much significance, explore humankind’s capacity for evil. Conrad’s The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness quite obviously explore the same themes, using very similar plots. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. "Heart of Darkness." 1899. Project Gutenberg. Web. February 2012. —. "The Secret Sharer." 1912. Electronic Text Center. Web. February 2012. Haskin, Wayne E. "Heart of Darkness." Masterplots 4. (November 2010): 1-4. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Perel, Zivah. "Transforming the Hero: Joseph Conrad's Reconfiguring of Masculine Identity in "The Secret Sharer"." Conradiana 36.1-2. (Spring/Summer 2004): 112-129. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Witkoski, Michael. "The Secret Sharer." Magill's Survey of World Literature. (January 2009): 1. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. A Comparative Analysis of The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness Essay The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness, two of Joseph Conrad’s more well-known novellas, share striking similarities in theme, plot, character development, and symbolism. Each novella presents a seafaring first-person narrator who struggles psychologically with the concept of darkness and other deep themes. â€Å"Heart of Darkness is one of literature’s most somber fictions. It explores the fundamental questions about human nature: the capacity for evil, the necessity of restraint, the effects of isolation, and the necessity of relinquishing pride to achieve spiritual salvation† (Haskin). Conrad explores his major theme of human duality in both of his works. Character doubling is a key element to both works, and this tool allows Conrad to explore good and evil. The Secret Sharer’s Captain refers to Leggatt as his double frequently, and Leggatt â€Å"must have looked exactly as I [the Captain] used to look† (Conrad, The Secret Sharer 13). The Captain becomes obsessed with his doppelgà ¤nger, who he pulls up on deck in the Gulf of Siam, despite the fact that Leggatt explains that he has murdered a man on the Sephora, his previous ship. Doubling, in the physical and moral sense, is found throughout â€Å"The Secret Sharer.† The young captain and Leggatt are so similar that they seem to be twins, an identification that Conrad clearly intends the reader to take in more than one sense. Both men feel themselves to be outcasts — Leggatt actually so, because of his crime, the captain, psychologically, because of his newness to the ship and its crew. Leggatt can be regarded as the alter ego of the captain, perhaps a reflection of the darker, even criminal, aspects of the captain’s personality. Some readers have argued that Leggatt does n... ... any case, both novellas, whose titles have much significance, explore humankind’s capacity for evil. Conrad’s The Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness quite obviously explore the same themes, using very similar plots. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. "Heart of Darkness." 1899. Project Gutenberg. Web. February 2012. —. "The Secret Sharer." 1912. Electronic Text Center. Web. February 2012. Haskin, Wayne E. "Heart of Darkness." Masterplots 4. (November 2010): 1-4. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Perel, Zivah. "Transforming the Hero: Joseph Conrad's Reconfiguring of Masculine Identity in "The Secret Sharer"." Conradiana 36.1-2. (Spring/Summer 2004): 112-129. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012. Witkoski, Michael. "The Secret Sharer." Magill's Survey of World Literature. (January 2009): 1. Literary Reference Center. Web. 25 March 2012.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Home Schooling Essay -- Teaching Public Schools

Home Schooling1 Homeschool Children Homeschooling was practiced until about 150 years ago, when schools were established as educational institutes. Nowadays, homeschooling begins to develop and become more widespread again, because the school system is claimed by many people to be failing due to the typical educational plans that bring up stereotype groups of children with the same background. Accordingly, a minority of people preferred to follow homeschooling, which is teaching children at home, in order to bring up unique children with different backgrounds. â€Å"For some students, school can be extremely compromising to their ability, their creativity, and their sense of self † (Staehle). There are more reasons that support and encourage parents to homeschool their children, such as the expected rich personalities of children, their safety, and their lifestyle that might be positively affected by homeschooling. Parents believe that homeschooling truly affects the personality of their children. It helps them have a close relationship with their parents, since they spend most times of the day with them. Naima, my English language professor’s daughter, declares this in a personal interview. This strong bond gives children the ability to learn and get more attention from their parents. They gain the advantages of the familial relationship and its benefits. They are close to their brothers, sisters, parents, and friends, who are of different ages, and this ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Escape by W.S. Maugham

â€Å"ESCAPE† By William Somerset Maugham The text under interpretation is â€Å"Escape† by William Somerset Maugham. W. S. Maugham was a well-known English playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was the son of a British diplomat. He was educated at King`s school in Canterbury, studied painting in Paris, went to Heidelberg University in Germany and studied to be a doctor at St. Thomas Hospital in England. So, he put his hand in different activities and that`s why he is versatile and experienced person. S.Maugham was critical of the morals, the narrow-mindedness and hypocrisy of bourgeois society. Such novels as â€Å"Of Human Bondage†, â€Å"The Moon and the Sixpence†, â€Å"The Theatre† and others came under his pen. He was also the master of the short story. Among them are: â€Å"Colonel’s Lady†, â€Å"Friend in Need†, â€Å"Lion’s Skin†, etc. S. Maugham was among the most popular writers of his era, and reputedly, the highest paid author during the 1930s. Maugham’s style of writing is clear and precise. He doesn`t impose his views on the reader. He puts a question and leaves it to the reader to answer.I also like his revealing the weak sides and vices of human nature skilfully. His books are chatty and easy to read. This is clearly viewed from the given extract. â€Å"Escape† is a story about common people in common situation, and Maugham manages to tell it with the sense of humour and in a very interesting way. The essence of â€Å"The Escape†, to my mind, is that Roger and Ruth have diverse approaches towards the relations. Of course, the men and the women like the first step: flowers, attentiveness, passion. But then their paths diverge.The romance disappears, the man looks for the way out, he craves for new emotions, but the woman deems that the relations should develop into the marriage. And â€Å"The Escape† is the example of such a mismatch. The story can be logically divided into four main parts: the exposition, passages about Ruth’s and Roger’s love, Roger falls out of love and the break-up. The story has a straight line narrative structure with author’s digressions at the beginning. I think that the beginning of the story serves as its subject matter, where the author recounts his point of view on marriage.He convinces us that if a woman once made her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him. As an example he told a case, which happened with one of his friends, who seeing the inevitable marriage menacing before him, took ship and spent a year traveling round the world. He hoped the woman would forget him, but was mistaken. When he got back thinking himself safe, the woman, from whom he had fled, was waiting for him on the quay. This funny thing supports the idea that the inevitable loom of the marriage frightens some men and they try to avoid it.It should be mentioned, that he de scribes that awkward situation very skilfully and in a very ironical way. It could be confirmed by some cases of irony, used by the narrator – â€Å"instant flight† and â€Å"inevitable loom menacing before him†, â€Å"escaped with only a toothbrush for all his luggage†, which show us fear and trembling of men before the difficulties of the marriage. Maugham establishes realistic setting to his piece of writing. As the author uses the first-person narrative structure we can guess that the narrator is the secondary character of the story.The main ones here are Roger Charing and Ruth Barlow. To describe them, Maugham uses the direct characterization. For example, he gives it when speaks about of Ruth’s eyes using the epithets (â€Å"splendid†, â€Å"moving†, â€Å"big and lovely†), a detached epithet (â€Å"poor dear†) – all in the ironic way. Further on the narrator says that he knows only one man who escaped succe ssfully. Once upon a time his friend, Roger Charing told him he was going to marry. Roger was tall and handsome, rich, experienced middle-aged man. Of course, many women wanted to marry him.But he was happy to live the life of an unmarried man: the epithets â€Å"sufficient experience†, â€Å"careful† give the direct description of his lifestyle. But then he met Ruth Barlow. He fell in love with her. He immediately wanted to look after her and make her happy. Ruth was twice a widow, she was younger than Roger. She was quite good-looking and she had big, beautiful, dark eyes and she had the gift of pathos. When a man saw those big, sad eyes, he wanted to help Ruth. The epithet â€Å"defenceless† expose the power of her look.It was Ruth’s mode to get what she wanted because she had no other means (money for instance). This â€Å"gift† helped Ruth to reach her goals. The metaphor â€Å"the gift of pathos†, the epithets â€Å"splendid dark eyes †, â€Å"the most moving eyes†, â€Å"big and lovely eyes† and the repetition of the word â€Å"eyes† make us pay our attention to this peculiarity. And Ruth made her mind to marry Roger: he was rich, considerate, and tactful and was glad to take care of her, so he was the best variant for her. He didn’t let down and made a proposal of marriage to her and they were going to marry as soon as ossible. While reading we came across a lot of pure literary words (gift, splendid, wonderful, hazards, sadness, lovely) and some cliches (â€Å"the world was too much for her†, â€Å"stand between the hazards of life and this helpless little thing†, â€Å"how wonderful it would be to take the sadness out of those big and lovely eyes†) which are peculiar to the description of ordinary situations concerning love affairs, so we see what kind of story â€Å"The Escape† is. The narrator provokes us to perceive it ironically.Through Rogerâ €™s vision, Ruth was very unlucky. Indeed, she seemed to be very miserable, everything was wrong with her. If she married a husband he beat her; if she employed a broker he cheated her; if she engaged a cook she drank. She never had a little lamb but it was sure to die. We can observe hopelessness of Ruth’s life through the epithets â€Å"helpless little thing†, â€Å"rotten time†, â€Å"unfortunate†, â€Å"poor dear†, the metaphor â€Å"a little lamb†, parallel constructions â€Å"if she married†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and pure literary words such as â€Å"sufferings†, â€Å"hazards†, â€Å"sadness†.Roger took an interest in her destiny and was ready to relieve it: the repetition of the pronouns â€Å"she† and â€Å"her† in Roger’s speech, the epithet â€Å"dreadfully sorry† prove my assumption. The epithets â€Å"very happy† and â€Å"pleased† make us believe that it wasn’t a nuisance for him. But according to the narrator’s opinion, Ruth was two-faced woman of few ideas: he called her stupid and scheming. This epithets, the simile â€Å"as hard as nails† add some points to her description, so it again proves that the method of character-drawing here is direct.We see two people, Roger and Ruth, as the future family, so this is the idea of this extract of the text. The author describes the first part of their relations which were rather standard. As thousands of men and women, they met, fell in love and decided to be together. But then, on a sudden, Roger fell out of love. This was the second part of their relations. There was no evident reason. Perhaps, his heart-strings were no longer touched by Ruth’s pathetic look. Roger became acutely conscious that Ruth had a mind to marry him. He gave a solemn oath that nothing would induce him to marry Ruth.But he was in a quandary. He was aware that Ruth would assess her feelings at an immod erately high figure if he asked her to release him. Besides, he didn’t want people to say that he jilted a woman. The epithets â€Å"acutely conscious†, â€Å"a solemn oath† and â€Å"an immoderately high figure† stress the importance, significance of his decision; as to the epithet â€Å"pathetic look† and the metaphor â€Å"heart-strings† (at the same time it is a cliche), they produce the humorous effect. Falling out of love is the most terrible thing I can imagine.Recently it was an acute pleasure for Roger to do everything for Ruth. He was charmed, but, as I suppose, it wasn’t a serious and profound feeling – Roger lost it too easily. It is obvious Ruth was a narrow-minded woman and she didn’t really love Roger. But there are some arguments to be said in her defence, she lonely and wanted to be protected. Probably she would be a good wife. The repetition of the expression â€Å"to have a mind to† reveals the conflict of Roger’s and Ruth’s interests. Ruth desired to have relations of long duration – she cried for the moon.On the contrary, Roger wanted to escape with no loss. And again we are the witnesses of the usual continuation of the love story. It’s rather banal. Roger kept his own counsel; he remained attentive to all her wishes. It was decided that they would be married as soon as they found a suitable house. Roger applied to the agents and visited with Ruth house after house. It was very hard to find a satisfactory one. Sometimes houses were too large, sometimes they were too small, sometimes they were too expensive and sometimes they were too stuffy, sometimes they were too airy.The idea is that only such dishonest, shabby act as the flat-chase tactics seemed to be appropriate for Roger. I think, it was like a committing a crime. Roger’s behaviour wasn’t fair, it was even disgraceful, but unfortunately such conduct is not uncommon, the m en trick the women very often, because their attitude towards the relations differs. Parallel constructions â€Å"sometimes they were too large, sometimes they were too small, sometimes they were too expensive and sometimes they were too stuffy†, the metaphor â€Å"house-hunting†, the epithet â€Å"innumerable kitchens† describe Roger’s scheme of the trouble-free parting.Firstly I took Roger’s side, because I consider that each person should have a right for free choice, but then I was sorry for Ruth, Roger tired her out, she didn’t understand what was happening. The epithet â€Å"exhausted† demonstrates her state brightly. At last Ruth revolted. She asked Roger if he wanted to marry her. There was an unaccustomed hardness in her voice, but it didn’t affect the gentleness of his reply. Roger persuaded her that they would be married the very moment they found a suitable house. Ruth took to her bed. She didn’t want to see Roger, but he was as ever assiduous and gallant.Every day he sent her flowers, wrote that he had some more houses to look at. The epithets â€Å"assiduous†, â€Å"gallant† display his dissimulation. A week passed and he received the letter: Ruth let him know that she was going to get married and claimed that Roger didn’t love her. He answered that her news shattered him, but her happiness had to be his first consideration. He sent Ruth seven orders to view. He was quite sure she would find among them a house that would exactly suit her. So, we can see that Roger appeared to be very smart and sly person.He appeared quite cute to predict Ruth’s following actions. When he got the hang of Ruth, he pretended he was still in love very gallantly, until she got the hang of him, and I should say it was a more civilized way of jilting a woman than just to leave her. So, I think the message of the story is that a woman can be sly and scheming, but a man can make it his way also. This story carried me with its eternal intrigue – the war between male and female. We may be in earnest about it or may try to ignore it, but it really takes place and this problem will exist until the end of human history.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Global Warming: Effects and Impacts

pic Introduction world(prenominal) calefacient is the observed increase in the fairish temperature of the Earths atmosphere and oceans in young decades and its projected continuation. In principle, orbicular melt is neutral as to the period or precedents, but in both ein truthday and scientific usage the term broadly refers to recent thaw and implies a homophile influence. virtually of the observed increase in world enormously averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very be equal collectible to the observed increase in anthropogenic car parkhouse gas concentrations, which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increase the greenhouse effect caused by gases which atomic outcome 18 released by activities a great deal(prenominal)(prenominal) as the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, and agriculture. The predicted personal set up of world(prenominal) warming for the environment and for charitable life argon numerous and varied.Th e primary(prenominal) effect is an increasing global average temperature. From this flow a variety of resulting make, namely, raise sea aims, altered patterns of agriculture, change magnitude complete weather tear downts, and the expansion of the range of equatorial diseases. In approximately cases, the effects whitethorn already be occurring, although it is generally backbreaking to attribute specific providecel phenomena to long global warming.Examples of projected mode forms include, probatory slowing of the ocean circulation that transports warm weewee to the North Atlantic, large reductions in the Greenland and west virtually Antarctic Ice Sheets, accele tempod global warming due to coke circle feedbacks in the terrestrial biosphere, and releases of terrestrial carbon from permafrost regions and methane from hydrates in coastal sediments. Global warming rivalry The global warming controversy is a spot over about the causes of observed global warming sin ce the mid-20th century, as swell as the evaluate order of magnitude and consequences of future(a) warming.A major part of the contend centers around what actions, if any, society should take in response to the prospect of future warming. any(prenominal) of the main aras of controversy include 1. Whether the clime is changing beyond natural variations in the historical temperature record 2. Whether human/industrial activity is responsible for the swop and if so, to what finis 3. The effect of predicted depletion of fossil fuels, both apiece as e. g. oil runs out and users turn to the higher polluting coal and overall as to whether there atomic number 18 sufficient in stock(predicate) reserves to cause the much entire humor intensify scenarios 4.The effectiveness of policies to subject CO2 emissions 5. The size of future qualifys in humour 6. The regional effects of climate change 7. The consequences of climate change Among climate scientists there is little disag reement that global warming is primarily anthropogenic, but the debate continues in the popular media and on a policy level. Questions include whether there is a scientific consensus on the extent and rate of anthropogenic global warming, and in busy whether there is sufficient evidence to disengage immediate and far-reaching actions to ameliorate its effects.Those who call back such a consensus exists express a wide range of opinions some merely confess the validity of the observed increases in temperature, maculation others support measures such as the Kyoto communications protocol which are intended to get over the magnitude of future global warming. Still others believe that environmental footing go out be so pure(a) that immediate step must be taken to reduce carbon dioxide and methane emissions, veritable(a) if the precise results are unknown, and even if there are unassailable economic costs to doing so. star event of an attempt to force action is the sierra Club suing the U. S. government over trial to raise automobile fuel readiness standards, and thereby decrease carbon dioxide emissions. Most of the consequences of global warming would result from unmatchable of three physical changes sea level rise, higher local temperatures, and changes in fall patterns. Sea level is generally expected to rise 50-200 cm in the adjacent century. Erode recreational beaches 100-200 meters, exacerbate coastal flooding and increase the salinity of aquifers and estuaries. o provoke beneficial impacts, but get out incur costs and depart non prevent all damages. Extremes, variableness, and rates of change are all key features in addressing vulnerability and adjustation to climate change, not simply changes in average climate terminal figures. Human and natural systems pull up stakes to some degree suit self-governingly to climate change. plan edition burn supplement autonomous accommodation, though there are more options and greater possib ility for offering incentives in the case of adaptation of human systems than in the case of adaptation to protect natural systems.Poorer nations The ability of human systems to adapt to and trade with climate change depends on such situationors as wealth, technology, education, information, skills, infrastructure, access to resources, and management capabilities. in that respect is potential for developed and ontogenesis countries to enhance and/or acquire reconciling capabilities. Populations and communities are highly variable in their endowments with these attributes, and the developing countries, specially the least developed countries, are generally poorest in this regard.As a result, they have slighter capacity to adapt and are more vulnerable to climate change damages, just as they are more vulnerable to other stresses. This condition is most extreme among the poorest people. Historic adaptation Some of those who argue for adaptation to global warming do so with the vista that human civilization has proven to be highly adaptable to climate change in the past and therefore will same(p)ly be able to adapt to climate change in the future.The counterargument to this persuasion is that the costs of adaptation are much higher than in the past due to the greater investment in urban and industrial infrastructure. In the past, cities could be move largely by having the populace persuade up their possessions on their backs, on work party animals or wagons and relocate. Modern cities the size of Bristol or Liverpool preemptnot be relocated easily even with the use of truck, air and rail transport. The damage suffered by New Orleans by hurricane Katrina provides some perspective as to the potential damage that can be caused by a rise in sea level.Far more technology and resources are available today. Our organizational and communication reading mechanisms The following 9 fundamental principles can be considered when designing adaptation policy. 1. T he effects of climate change vary by region. 2. The effects of climate change may vary across demographic groups. 3. modality change poses both risks and opportunities. 4. The effects of climate change must be considered in the context of multiple stressors and factors, which may be as important to the design of adaptive responses as the sensitivity of the change. 5.Adaptation comes at a cost. 6. Adaptive responses vary in effectiveness, as demonstrated by modern efforts to cope with climate variability. 7. The systemic personality of climate impacts complicates the exploitation of adaptation policy. 8. Mal-adaptation can result in negative effects that are as serious as the climate-induced effects that are being avoided. 9. numerous opportunities for adaptation make sense whether or not the effects of climate change are realized. Methods of adaptation Agricultural action Agriculture of any kind is powerfully influenced by the availability of urine.Climate change will modify rainfall, evaporation, runoff, and defacement wet storage. Changes in total seasonal over-confidence or in its pattern of variability are both important. The occurrence of moisture stress during flowering, pollination, and grain-filling is harmful to most turns and oddly so to corn, soybeans, and wheat. Increased evaporation from the soil and accelerated transpiration in the plants themselves will cause moisture stress as a result there will be a need to develop influence varieties with greater drought tolerance.The demand for weewee for irrigation is projected to rise in a warmer climate, bringing increased rivalry between agriculturealready the largest consumer of water resources in semiarid regionsand urban as well as industrial users. dropping water tables and the resulting increase in the naught needed to pump water will make the practice of irrigation more expensive, particularly when with drier conditions more water will be required per acre. Crop development models In order to further lead effects of global warming on agriculture, other ypes of models, such as crop development models, yield prediction, quantities of water or fertilizer consumed, can be used. such(prenominal) models condense the knowledge accumulated of the climate, soil, and effects observed of the results of various agricultural practices. They hence could make it possible to test strategies of adaptation to modifications of the environment. Because these models are necessarily simplifying natural conditions (often establish on the assumption that weeds, disease and biting louse pests are controlled), it is not clear whether the results they bring in will have an in-field reality.However, some results are partly validated with an increasing number of experimental results. Other models, such as insect and disease development models establish on climate projections are similarly used (for example simulation of aphid comeback or septoria (cereal fungal disease) developmen t). Urban areas One strategy involves adapting urban areas to increasingly severe storms by increasing domestic, unpaved gardens etc and increasing the capacity of storm water systems (and as well separating storm water from black water so that overflows in peak periods do not contaminate rivers).Weather underwrite Also there are methods like seeding of the sulphur in the clouds to have rain when it is required. The control can be wagerer enhanced by adopting genetical methods of agriculture, green roofs in urban areas etc where the fewer fertilizers and less water is used and at the comparable time the food production is increased thereby increasing the greenery and frankincense bettering the CO2 sink capacity. Conclusion As discussed in the paper we will like to again focus on the magnificence of adaptation to global warming as a very strong factor.It is native that the mitigation efforts continue towards solving the business but for practical purposes we all very well know that it alone can never accomplish this feat even if it had very large financial resources at its behest. So the best way to proceed in nature is to accept it since Charles Darwin justly said that its only the fittest and most adaptable whom the nature will look at to stay along with. Hence it will be good if we understand the fact that its we who need to adapt to the nature, much before than later rather than expecting the reverse by putting in huge sums of funds in terms of technological measures.

General Mills Motivational Profile

familiar mill about has been qualification nutrition increases for 150 years and is the 6th largest viands producer in the world. Consumers deal full general mill around as the rentrs of Gold Medal flour, Cheerios cereal, and Betty Crocker cake mixes. just right off world-wide question overly produces Progresso soups and even the complete lines, Muir Glen and Cascadian Farms. Internationally, public mill about nominates other products to 130 countries. Employees recognize frequent mill around as a constructive place to bestow because of the partnerships loading to a strong ethic of service, achievement, and integrity. habitual mill around bring forwards its employees to volunteer and gives five percent of e really pre-tax dollar bill to openhearted organizations. While taking cargon of communities, prevalent mill about also administers c be of its employees with benefits ranging from incarnate childcare to a generous excrete package and flexile h ours. Because employees feel valued and inspired, superior general mill about enjoys a very beginning rate of employee crack over. For more(prenominal) than degree centigrade years, world(a) mill around has been dedicated to enriching peoples lives. superior general move stands by its commitment to mount brands, championship people, championship innovation, and championship performance. The ac community develops thoroughly-made products designed to make consumers lives easier, healthier, and more fun, ( ecumenical mill, Values, n. d. ) customary Mills endorses a philosophy of biotic community action, corporal tender responsibility, and integrity. Since 2000, the friendship has donated five percent of its pre-tax net profit to charitable organizations. In 2009, General Mills gave more than $90. trillion dollars to take for education, food banks, and overseas development. For voice, through General Mills African Women and Childrens hunger Project, experts shar e food growing technologies with villagers in Africa. 15,000 villagers now live with access to grain processing equipment and 20,000 villagers suck in improved access to water for crop irrigation. General Mills culture of philanthropy extends to its employees. all over 82% of the companionships volunteers report volunteering to their organization of option or i accompanimented by General Mills. additionally, General Mills encourages charitable pieces by unified employees donations, dollar for dollar, to nonprofit groups. They have given millions of dollars to support education, food banks, and the arts. In 2009, Forbes magazine ranked General Mills as the 4th close to prize company in the unify States and the 11th most respected company in the world. General Mills uses innovative strategies worldwide to reduce its environmental footprint, starting line with its product packaging. The paperboard used for General Mills cereal is made from 100 % recycled paper, and has bee n for decades.The company is functional toward reducing energy use by 15% and greenhouse emissions by 20% in the conterminous year. General Mills has also decline yobbo goals for creating healthier food products. Almost every product line is undergoing research and redevelopment to produce products that implicate more whole grains and less salt and sugar. General Mills believes in contracting business with integrity. The code of conduct report outlines the companys belief in maintaining the highest standards of quality in relationships, products, and conduct.The report states that the company bring home the bacon treat people fairly, keep its promises, and maintain the institutionalize of consumers and investors. General Mills requires employee adherence to careful counseling of finances and assets, compliance with all local, national, and international laws, and the scheme of conflicts of interest. General Mills has 30,000 employees worldwide and is the 6th largest food company in the world. With operations in over thirty countries, General Mills determine a diverse pull inforce and has a strict no-discrimination policy.The company seeks talented, bright employees from many backgrounds. Additionally, General Mills places value on creating community partnerships throughout the world. Through humble communication and an appreciation for different customs and heathen practices, the company has forged positive business and community relationships worldwide. General Mills is publicly held and allows a board, stockholders, and managers. The read/write head Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, Kendall J. Powell joined the company in 1979 as a marketing assistant.Over the years, he took on increasingly responsible aims and is an example of the companys commitment to developing its employees. Additional employees trace from a variety of backgrounds, including marketing, health and nutrition, finance, production, research, and communications . General Mills ranked 155 on the mass 500 list of the best companies to hit for and holds position 90 on Fortunes 1000 best companies to work for in 2010. This is up nine positions from 2009. The average yearly pay in the most common nonrecreational job is approx $46,200.Not only is General Mills recognized by respected financial reporting businesses such as Fortune, but is highly regarded as a great place to work by its employees. One fact that supports the idea that General Mills is a great place to work is the company is named on Fortunes Top Company Low turnover rate list that includes companies with a 3% instinctive leave during the past 12-month period. With such a low turnover rate, the first question that comes to mind is What makes this company so great? One important factor whitethorn be that the company has several attractive family-friendly benefits. tardily the infant-care center at headquarters was expanded by 43 percent, and the company subsidizes 25 percent of infant care speak tos. This fact alone would certainly make this company an attractive choice to many family orientated workers. General Mills employs approximately 17,000 workers in the United States. General Mills reports that employees who lead healthy, fulfilling lives are more likely to make a strong contribution in the work place. There are a multitude of factors that support this believe and contribute to the low turnover rate recognized and reported in Fortune.Some of the supporting factors include generous vacation time, paid holiday, and summer hour benefits. For example, from Memorial day to Labor Day, headquarter employees are offered an option to work all-night days Monday through Thursday and work a half day on Friday. Flexible work schedules and telecommuting when business conditions allow are available. The company also offers paid leave for new fathers and parents who are adopting children. General Mills has received many corporate recognition awards.A few n otable recognitions include Fortunes Americas some Admired Companies and 100 outflank Companies to Work for. General Mills has also received recognition by Working Mother magazine as best(p) Companies for Woman of Color, Business Week Americas Top Givers and Business Ethics 100 Best Corporate Citizens. other important note is General Mills commitment to diversity whitethorn also play a major agency in retaining employees for a longer period. General Mills published that they see diversity as a outline rather than a policy. The company believes that his strategy gives them a global advantage as well as a competitive advantage when indite and marketing products. Their commitment to this strategy is supported by the fact that they aggressively seek minority suppliers to provide the services that make their products possible. As part of this focus, they set minority business entrepreneur purchasing goals. They also develop relationships with national minority organizations and build employee support and development. With this in mind, I think it is clear that this company makes to stay focused on people.They understand reinforcing values that are important to people through capable employees, good brands, innovation and performance, depart result in long term commitments from their employees and long term profits from their customers. On May 16, 2007, before the Joint economical Committee, Scott A. Weisberg, Vice President, Compensation, Benefits, and Staffing for General Mills Incorporated stated, we strive to be a cradle-to-grave employer, which means we hire many of our employees at the entry level and hope they spend their entire career with General Mills.We believe this continuity translates into performance and a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Our benefits package reflects this core philosophy our benefits are imbued with incentives to encourage people to stay. Our defined benefit pension computer programme is one of our principal vehicles to reinforce employee retentiveness. This is the philosophy that drives General Mills motivational strategies, which have resulted in an employee retention rate doubled that of their competitors.Their recruiting approach is to attract fleet candidates with the intention of keeping them for their entire working raise to draw on their expertise as they bourgeon into mentors (Ziegler, 2009). General Mills acknowledges the success of the company is strongly connected to their employees. For these reasons, General Mills is one of the pull in companies to work for. When employees leave, especially long time employees, a significant loss of knowledge and experience leaves with them. The cost to search for and train new people is substantial. check to Kelly Baker, vice president of Corporate Diversity for General Mills, to attract and retain and keep those people very, very focused and productive we need to offer a place where they want to be (WCCO, 2008). General Mills ach ieves this by offering some of the most encyclopaedic benefit and incentive programs in the country. According to one employee, it was the benefits and incentives that attracted them to the company and has definitely keep them there (WCCO, 2008). Another employee commented about being more productive because of the on-the-scene(prenominal) conveniences and concierge service (WCCO, 2008).The benefits and incentives offered by General Mills create a workplace that motivates employees intrinsically and extrinsically. These benefits and incentives are designed to help employees achieve a repose between work and home life. The motivational techniques use by General Mills gives the company the force to create a flexible, inclusive, and challenging workplace, which in turn drives productivity and innovation. If General Mills has one res publica in which they can improve, it would be how long employees have to wait for promotions.Low voluntary turnover is a double edged sword. The benef it of retaining employees is the knowledge base, work experience, reduced recruiting and training costs. The consequence is promotions are harder to come by because employees stay in the workforce longer. The pretend to General Mills, they may see more voluntary turnover as younger workers decide to move on to companies in which the chance for promotion is more attainable. One approach General Mills could take is asking employees if there is a particular electron orbit of the company they are interested in learning.For example, a person in human resources may be interested in learning about strategical planning. The human resources employee is matched to a mentor in the strategic planning department and begins training. Now the human resources employee has the hazard to promote in either department. As General Mills continues to grow and expand internationally, their strong muckle of community partnerships and service will help them suit to economic and cultural changes. Gener al Mills will continue to provide high quality foods to consumers epoch fostering a work environment that elicits high performance from every employee.ReferencesGeneral Mills Corporate Website (2010) Careers. wherefore work at General Mills. A great place to work. Retrieved May 4, 2010, from http// General Mills (n.d.) General Mills Social Responsibility. Retrieved May 7, 2010 from http// WCCO. (2008, May 29). Go inside 1 of the best places to work. Retrieved from http// Weisberg, S. (2007, May 16). Testimony to the mutual economic committee. The economic impact of elder care. The employer perspective. Retrieved from http// scroll/Hearings/05.16.07%20Elder%20Care/Testimony%20-%20Weisberg.pdf Ziegler, S. (2009, May 21). General Mills is a place employees come to say. Star Tribune. Retrieved from http//www.sta